I was selected by BzzAgent to review the new Covergirl BlastFlipstick. Let me tell you how amazing this lipstick is! There are two shades of each color on either side of the stick, one light and one dark. You can choose to use them alone or mix them together!
Here was the nice Covergirl box the kit came in!
The kit I received came with (3) colors of the Blast Flipstick:
The one I fell in LOVE with is the Minx! I love browns in my makeup! I swatched the colors on my hand....the first one is the light color middle is the dark color and the last one is the colors mixed together!
Here is the Minx on my lips! I mixed the colors together....and I love it! It is REALLY dark for my taste on a regular basis...BUT it is really, really sexy! See for yourself.
I gave the other two colors to my sister. She loves the pink colors and is currently trying them out! :)
CLICK HERE to check out the CoverGirl Blast Flipstick website!
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I was sent this product by Bzzagent for free for my honest review on it.
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