Global Green USA Green School Makeover Competition Presented by Pureology
As many of you know I am a member of Influenster. I LOVE this site. It really makes you aware of some really great brands. Today I was introduced to an amazing Challenge from Pureology. The Green Schools Start With You Challenge (click the link for details).
Why should you enter the Green School Makeover Competition? Here is a little info about WHY you should and WHY you should get your child's school involved:
- When a school goes green our children benefit!
- Improved Student Performace - test scores can raise us much as 20% and attendance improves
- More funds for student resources - water and energy costs will be cut as much as 40% then the money can be used for textbooks and computers etc...
- Reduced carbon footprint - leaving our air clean and breathable.
Last year Texas School for the Deaf WON! Here is a list of the green changes that were made to their school:
Energy efficient upgrades: Retrofitting light fixtures to use energy efficient bulbs = TSD will save enough energy to power an efficient two-bedroom home for a year! | |
Water conservation: Replacing manual faucets with automatic technology = TSD will save enough water to fill nine swimming pools! Installing rain barrels to collect water from the roof = Water is now available for areas throughout the campus that do not have irrigation. Bonus: Students learn about the vital function of rainwater harvesting. | |
Waste reduction: Installing hands-free dryers in restrooms = The new dryers take half the electricity to run and save paper and materials from going into landfills. Switching to reusable bottles and installing a tap filtration system = TSD reinvests the $20,000 they spent on bottled water every year. Bonus: 88,000 water bottles will be kept out of our landfills! | |
Educate student body on recycling: Installing recycling bins across campus = Makes recycling easier and encourages recycling campus-wide. Bonus: Students bring their good recycling habits home to support a greener lifestyle! |
I chose to enter my daughter's school. I know they do not use natural lighting or paint. I want a better future for my child! I also would like the Bus system to change to eliminate waste to the air. You know when you sit behind a bus and breath all that in? YUCK!
If you want to get involved GO HERE and check out the website. GOOD LUCK! Comment below on what green changes you want for your child's school!
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